
In the words of our president

The idea of those founding members and farmers is still alive: the defense of our products from farm to fork, as a foundation of our company. This is an essential condition for the progress of our farmers and also for the economic development of our peoples.

We’re facing the challenge of a world in a never-ending change, constant evolution of markets. And that’s precisely where Manzanilla Olive has to be: in an everyday research towards improving production and commercial processes, searching and finding for new opportunities to get the maximum value of our agricultural products.

We’ll only be able to achieve these goals with the merging of our associated coops, taking advantages of our synergies for greater good and proudly bearing the flag of defending our farms and farmers.

With the most sincere sense of pride and responsibility, I’m sending you my warmest regards,

Diego Gallego Muñoz. Manzanilla Olive President

Manzanilla Olive:
6,000 reasons to trust us

We collect the olives from the groves; we bring them to our premises, and prepare them with devotion so they become the stronghold of the Mediterranean diet. Through collaboration and cooperative work, we are a part of each step in this process. After this, we let them go so that millions of people can enjoy the taste of our land, the olive we have worked and cared for. This is our tradition. It is our passion.

We are a family of tradition. A family with 6,000 members that dedicate their lives to ensure that the olives from Seville are of the best quality.

We have grown together with the olives of our land, feeling the years passing in every root, every branch, and every knot in the bark. We have grown and lived walking the land that our ancestors cultivated, witnessing the olive picking [verdeo] each autumn, the pruning in the winter, the ploughing when spring arrives and the irrigation during the summer

Did you know that…?

Spain is the country where more olives are cultivated and that Turkey is the main consuming country?

Did you know that…?

Manzanilla Olive, even though we are young, is at the top of the six first olive producers in Spain?

Did you know that…?

The production of Manzanilla Olive supposes the farming of more than 10,000 hectares of the table olive?